
powered by 'OOZLE MEDIA'
Hosting Plans

Best Web Hosting Accounts

The shared web site hosting caterers truly vary from one another. Despite having been in the CLOUD hosting marketplace for years, not many hosting service merchandisers offer a lot of data center facility alternatives for their loyal customers. In spite of its not-so-big scope, 'OOZLE MEDIA' offers FOUR exciting data center facility locations: the United States, Britain, Sweden and Australia. You can buy domain name-only accounts or shared hosting accounts in each of the stipulated places. The more powerful dedicated server hosting can be ordered exclusively in the United States server farm facility.

Plan Features Hosting Dedicated Servers
Cost Per Month
Data Space Unlimited 240 GB
Hosting Traffic Unlimited 10 TB
Max CPU Limit 5% 100%
Memory (RAM) N/A 32 GB
MySQL v.5 DBs 20 Unlimited
Hosted Hostnames 5 Unlimited
FTPs Unlimited Unlimited
eMail Accounts 500 Unlimited
Root Access
SSH Optional
One-click Web App Installer 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

Max CPU Limit 1 - The CPU quota is contingent on the specific virtual hosting server package.

One-click Web App Installer 2 - Coming solely with the Hepsia web hosting CP.